As members of Liberty Fellowship and the Aspen Global Leadership Network, Fellows make a lifelong commitment to use their creativity, network, and energy to move South Carolina forward.

  1. As a Fellow, you are committing to participate in all five initial seminars of the Fellowship experience—from the first to the last session of each day, without interruption—and undertake the readings in advance of the seminar so that you are well prepared to participate fully in the discussion. The seminar dates are: [SEMINAR DATES]
  2. Open and frank, civil discourse is an enduring quality of the Liberty Fellowship experience. The Fellowship requires that you both contribute to discussions and that you respectfully and actively listen to points of view different from your own. Liberty Fellows trust and respect each other, even when they disagree, and are honest and courteous to each other. In this way, our discussions can open vistas rather than narrow them.
  3. As a leader and participant in Liberty Fellowship you commit to developing and carrying out an impact venture. It is expected that you will make meaningful and documented progress on your project throughout your initial seminar experience. Ventures will be discussed in detail at your first seminar.
  4. As a Liberty Fellow, you will be looked to as a model of leadership for your peers and expected to uphold the highest ethical standards. Should you engage in behavior that results in a legal conviction by a court of law and/or suspension from professional credentialing associations, it is within the purview of Liberty Fellowship Board of Directors to request your resignation as a Fellow from Liberty Fellowship and the Aspen Global Leadership Network.
  5. We expect that you will treat the Network with respect and never abuse these relationships for personal gain. Business networking should be limited only to those Fellows you know well. Fundraising appeals and political invitations are discouraged altogether.
  6. Finally, Liberty Fellowship provides a confidential space for Fellows to discuss career and family matters and personal and professional challenges with complete assurance that what is said during conversation—whether at the seminar table or in any other venue—will be treated with absolute confidentiality.