Announcement Powered by Legacy Partners

Henry Crown Fellow Tracey Abbott will be a keynote speaker at our 20th Anniversary Celebration!

Abbott is a phenomenal leader with a background that spans entrepreneurship, global leadership, and private equity. Her current focus is helping leaders bring out the very best in their work through Risk Traverse Leadership.

About Tracey Abbott

Tracey Abbott is a master of change. Growing up in Alabama with a single mom who earned her Ph.D. at night, she learned the value of education in changing lives. Her work life is in 4 chapters: 1) the entrepreneur from startup to scale, 2) the international expert from an MBA in Paris to a decade as an expatriate, 3) the consultant at A.T. Kearney and Bain, and 4) the private equity / sovereign wealth operating partner. Her current chapter began because she is convinced that enlightened leadership has never been more needed in our disconnected world, and her purpose is to bring out the very best in leaders. Tracey is a Henry Crown Fellow and began her Fellowship venture in the inner city of Birmingham, Alabama. She currently divides her time between Cold Spring, New York, and Roatan, Honduras, where you can find her scuba diving as much as possible. 

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